Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:
Acoustic Guitar
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]
Lead 2 (sawtooth]
Piano (LH)
Piano (RH)
so it goes a-noth-er lone-ly day your sav-ing time but your mi-les a-wa-y your fly was drown-ing in some bit-ter tea for see-ing lost opp-or-tun-it-y find you mirr-or go and look in-side and see the tal-ent you al-way-s hi-de don't go kid your-self well not to-day your sat-is-fac-tion's not to far a-way hold on now your ex-its here it's wait-ing just for you don't pause too long it's fad-ing now it's end-ing all too soo-oo-on you'll see-e-e soo-on you'll see-e-e your coff-ee's warm but your milk is sour life is short but your he-re to flo-wer dream your-self a-long a-noth-er day nev-er miss opp-or-tu-ni-ty don't be scared of what you can not see your on-ly fear is poss-ib-i-i-li-ty-y nev-er won-der what the hell went wrong your sec-ond chance may nev-er come a-long hold on now your ex-its here it's wait-ing just for you don't pause too long it's fad-ing now it's end-ing all too soo-oo-on you'll see-e-e soo-on you'll see-e-e hold on now your ex-its here it's wait-ing just for you don't pause too long it's fad-ing now it's end-ing all too soo-oo-on you'll see-e-e soo-on you'll see-e-e soo-on you'll see-e-e soo-on you'll see-e-e soo-on you'll see-e-e soo-on you'll see-e-e